首先升級(jí)你的pear版本,新PHPUnit 3.6 要求PEAR的版本較高。在開始菜單打開CMD命令行。
cd /d D:xamppphp
pear config-show
Auto-discover new Channels auto_discover 1
Default Channel default_channel pear.php.net
HTTP Proxy Server Address http_proxy <not set>
PEAR server [DEPRECATED] master_server pear.php.net
Default Channel Mirror preferred_mirror pear.php.net
Remote Configuration File remote_config <not set>
PEAR executables directory bin_dir D:xamppphp
PEAR documentation directory doc_dir D:xamppphpdocs
PHP extension directory ext_dir D:xamppphpext
PEAR directory php_dir D:xamppphppear
PEAR Installer cache directory cache_dir D:xamppphp mp
PEAR configuration file cfg_dir D:xamppphpcfg
PEAR data directory data_dir D:xamppphpdata
PEAR Installer download download_dir D:xamppphp mp
PHP CLI/CGI binary php_bin D:xamppphp.php.exe
php.ini location php_ini <not set>
--program-prefix passed to php_prefix <not set>
PHP's ./configure
--program-suffix passed to php_suffix <not set>
PHP's ./configure
PEAR Installer temp directory temp_dir D:xamppphp mp
PEAR test directory test_dir D:xamppphp ests
PEAR www files directory www_dir D:xamppphpwww
Cache TimeToLive cache_ttl 3600
Preferred Package State preferred_state stable
Unix file mask umask 0
Debug Log Level verbose 1
PEAR password (for password <not set>
Signature Handling Program sig_bin c:gnupggpg.exe
Signature Key Directory sig_keydir C:Windowspearkeys
Signature Key Id sig_keyid <not set>
Package Signature Type sig_type gpg
PEAR username (for username <not set>
User Configuration File Filename C:Windowspear.ini
System Configuration File Filename C:Windowspearsys.ini